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Do You Know God?

by Don Wright

How well do you know God?  How important is it to know Him?  Jesus answers this question for us. John 17:3 (ESV) 3  And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. Knowing God is critical to our souls.  Eternal life comes only to […]

“Count Your Blessings”

by Don Wright

Johnson Oatman began writing spiritual hymns in 1892.  He averaged writing about 200 songs a year, totaling over 5,000 during his life.  Some of the popular hymns he wrote included, “Higher Ground,” “No, Not One,” “The Last Mile of the Way,” and the one I want us to think about tonight,  “Count Your Blessings.” If […]

The Sin of Idleness

by Don Wright

There are two ways that we might be idle—physically and spiritually, and both are bad.  Let us begin with being idle in the physical realm.  Paul condemned this in his second letter to the brethren at Thessalonica.  At some point, the false notion that the coming of Christ was near began to be taught among […]

Upon What Are You Building Your House?

by Don Wright

As Jesus concluded the great Sermon on the Mount,  He taught those who would be citizens in His kingdom a very important lesson.  He taught them that if they were going to be blessed by His words, they had to be doers (Matthew 7:24-27).  The same continues to be the case for those of us […]

You and Your Local Church

by Don Wright

Do you believe you are committed to God?  We all should examine ourselves occasionally to make sure that we are.  One question that we can ask ourselves is, “Am I committed to the Lord’s church?”  If you are not committed to the church, you are not committed to God.  In some ways the two are […]

The Essence of God is Love and We Are the Beneficiaries of It

by Don Wright

Are you glad that God is such a loving God?  We all should be.  Can you imagine if God was anything but a consistently loving God.  With all His unimaginable power and strength, we would be in trouble if God had bad days once in a while.  Fortunately, we do not have to worry about […]

Their Only Hope Is Us

by Don Wright

The gospel is the greatest message the world has ever received.  It is the message about Jesus. It tells the story of Him giving up heaven, taking on the form of a servant by being born in the likeness of men, and ultimately showing His obedience by dying on the cross (Philippians 2:7-8).  Of course, […]

What Is Your Destiny?

by Don Wright

Destiny is defined as, “A predetermined course of events… (Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary).  The concept of destiny can be viewed biblically or unbiblically.  I will not worry about unbiblical views of destiny in this blog, but I do want to consider our destinies according to Scripture.  We all have the same two possible destinies—Heaven or Hell.  […]

The Day God Has Appointed

by Don Wright

How did you live your life today?  It really does matter.  Our aim as Christians should be to live for God every day.  It is important to live worthy of our call because our lives impact others.  The world is watching us to see if we are practicing what we preach.  As letters from Christ […]

The Importance of Being Steadfast

by Don Wright

Steadfastness is one of the most critical characteristics that we can have.  A good example of what that looks like is Hezekiah.   The first thing that Hezekiah did when he took the throne was to cleanse the kingdom of the idols that were worshipped during the reign of his father, Ahaz.  Hezekiah did this because […]