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Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Understanding Bible Authority)

by Don Wright

We have already seen this week how important having Bible authority is in rightly dividing the Word of Truth.  The question is how can we be sure we have it for our various practices?  Rightly dividing the Word of God demands that we know when we have authority for something and when we do not. […]

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Knowing When, Why, and to Whom)

by Don Wright

The first thing you need to do in understanding any passage of scripture is to know when the writing took place.  This is important because circumstances that impact our scriptural analysis change from time to time.  For example, when we read things from the Old Testament, it is critical to realize that God’s people were, […]

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Understanding What It Is)

by Don Wright

We should thank God every day for the Bible.  Having God’s Word in our own language and being able to purchase it at such a minor cost is an unbelievable blessing.  In this country, almost anyone who wants a Bible can have one. Having a Bible alone, however, is not enough.  While Bibles can be […]

Difficult Sayings from Our Lord (Turn the Other Cheek)

by Don Wright

What do you do when you are mistreated?  If there was any one area that epitomizes what being a Christian is all about, the area of retaliation would be it.  There is a great contrast between how the world acts when it is mistreated and the way Christians in the kingdom of God are supposed […]

Difficult Commands from Our Lord (Loving Our Enemies)

by Don Wright

The commandments of our Lord are always in our best interest but that does not mean that they are always easy.  Some of His commands are very difficult to follow.  This is why the way that leads to life is so narrow (Matthew 7:13-14).  The majority of people in the world will not obey Christ […]

All Spiritual Blessings in One Place

by Don Wright

Being in Christ is the best location in life.  To be in Christ, is to be a part of His body, the church (Colossians 1:18).  What are some of the benefits to be obtained in Christ?  All of them! Ephesians 1:3 (ESV) 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who […]