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There Will Be No Absolution for the Arrogant

by Don Wright

There are some things that God simply will not tolerate—pride is one of those things. James 4:6 (ESV) 6  But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Haughty eyes are one of the seven things that Solomon said God hates (Proverbs 6:17), and we should […]

A Glorious Hope

by Don Wright

While we know we have an inheritance in heaven, to take possession of it, we must be willing to endure suffering (Romans 8:17).  What should help us make it through the suffering is realizing that the glory that will be revealed in us later is far greater than any suffering we have to go through […]

The Elders Over You—Don’t Take Them for Granted

by Don Wright

It is a great blessing to be a part of a local church that is organized the way God intended it to be, having elders, deacons, and saints (Philippians 1:1).  Local churches that do not have qualified elders can never be what God wants them to be.  That is not to say that they cannot […]

Growing Up into Salvation

by Don Wright

What a blessing it is to have the Word of God in our lives.  Paul reminded the Jews of such in Romans 3.  After telling them that they were sinners, just like the Gentiles were (Romans 2), he anticipated that they would ask, “Then what advantage has the Jew” (Romans 3:1).  Paul was always prepared […]

Burning Hearts

by Don Wright

Sometime after the resurrection of Christ, Jesus met two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus.  They were discussing the things that had recently developed concerning Christ when He suddenly joined them on their journey, but the Bible says, “their eyes were kept from recognizing them (Luke 24:13-16).  When Jesus asked them about their […]

Ready to Defend the Gospel of Christ

by Don Wright

The gospel of Christ, the wonderful story of Jesus Christ paying the price for our sins by tasting death for all men (Hebrews 2:9), must be preached to the lost if they are to have any chance at salvation.  Sadly, this great message concerning Jesus has been perverted by many (2 Corinthians 2:17).  Those of […]

Do You Have a Productive Religion?

by Don Wright

Religion has to do with the service and worship of God.  Our religion is based upon the gospel of Christ, which includes the teachings of the New Testament.  We know how to serve and worship God because the gospel, which we have by the grace of God, teaches us.  Paul said, “For the grace of […]

Don’t Forget the Teachings of the Lord

by Don Wright

The grace of God is revealed to us in a variety of ways.  The greatest of all, of course, is by the manifestation of His Son in the flesh, and His ultimate sacrifice for our sins on the cross.   Another demonstration of God’s grace is His revealed Word.  Without revelation to guide us in the […]

The Goodness of God

by Don Wright

How often do you give thanks to God?  As Christians, we have more things to be thankful for than we can innumerate, including many things that we take for granted and to which we give little thought.  One of those things is the goodness of God.   Psalm 118:1-4 (ESV) 1 Oh give thanks to the […]

Learning to Listen When It Hurts

by Don Wright

Listening to others has always been a challenge for people.  Even Christians find it hard sometimes to be a listener rather than the one doing the talking.  This is why James gave the admonition to hear. James 1:19 (ESV) 19  Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak… […]