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How Much Should I Give?

by Don Wright

I once read of a conversation between a hundred-dollar bill and a one-dollar bill. The hundred-dollar bill said, “I’ve had a good life—nice house, fast cars, and great vacations.”  The dollar bill said, “All I ever do is go to church, go to church, go to church.”  The hundred-dollar bill said, “What is church?” Unknown  […]

Who Will You Obey?

by Don Wright

Peer pressure is real.  The desire to please man has led many of God’s children astray over the years.  While this is especially a problem with young Christians, it is by no means limited to them.  Christians of all ages are sometimes tempted to do what the crowd wants instead of what God wants. Moses […]

Our Great High Priest

by Don Wright

Jesus, as our Passover Lamb, was sacrificed on the cross to bring the possibility of salvation to all mankind.  The Hebrews writer said that He “…by the grace of God should taste death for every man” (Hebrews 2;9).  We thank God for the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf; however, if our salvation was to […]

As It Is Written

by Don Wright

In Matthew 4, Jesus gives us the perfect weapon to use against all the wiles of the devil.  That weapon is the Word of God.  When the devil tried to tempt Jesus, He simply turned his attention to God’s Word saying, on each occasion, “It is written.” The Word of God is our best weapon […]

Staying Active in the Lord

by Don Wright

Christianity involves a lifetime of activity.  It involves working and laboring for the Lord, helping the local church, of which we are members, to grow and reach its full potential.  Sadly, not all members of the church are active.  The word active means, “characterized by action rather than by contemplation.”  Yes, there is a time […]

Mesmerized by Materialism

by Don Wright

The danger of materialism can be seen by the number of biblical admonitions warning against it.  Materialism is a true threat to every child of God.  It is what causes some to have a love for money, which jeopardizes the soul. 1 Timothy 6:10 (ESV) 10  For the love of money is a root of […]

The “What” of Our Hope

by Don Wright

While heaven is the “where” of our hope, obtaining a new, transformed body is the “what” of our hope.  I don’t know about you, but I am glad I will not have to spend all eternity in a body that is filled with aches and pains like the one we have now.  When the Lord’s […]

I Am Not Ashamed

by Don Wright

Jesus always did what was pleasing to His Father (John 8:29.  If we are truly Christians, striving to be like Christ, pleasing God will always be first in our lives.  Furthermore, if that is our mindset, we will not be ashamed of anything associated with Him.  Paul is a good example of this.  Not only […]

The Blessing of God’s Patience

by Don Wright

If there is one characteristic that we should be very happy that God possesses, it is His patience.  If it were not for the patience of God, we would have little hope of making it to Heaven.  Patience, however, is something that God has always shown in His dealings with man, even  when he is […]

What a Difference a Little Preventative Maintenance Makes

by Don Wright

Recently, during a gospel meeting, I stayed in the home of my good friends, Ken, and Marlene Pittman.  It was great to be with them.  Ken served as an elder for the Thayer Street church of Christ where I previously preached for seven years. One day during the week I took notice of the beautiful […]