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The God Who Sees Everything

by Don Wright

In one of the most amazing statements about God in the Bible, the Hebrews writer wrote, “And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13). This truth is both reassuring and intimidating at the same time.  We […]

Where Are You? (Activeness)

by Don Wright

In Genesis 3:9, God asked Adam, “Where are you?” when he and his wife, Eve, hid themselves from Him after they sinned.  Of course, God really knew where the couple was because nothing can be hidden from His sight (Hebrews 4:13).  He asked the question just to get a response from Adam.  All this week […]

Where Are You? (Mindset)

by Don Wright

What kind of heart we have will determine what kind of Christians we are.  I am not speaking of the physical heart that pumps blood through our bodies, but of our biblical heart, that is, our minds.  We all need to search our hearts from time to time because the condition of our hearts will […]

Where Are You? (Faith)

by Don Wright

Where are you with your Faith in God?  Faith is the foundational characteristic of the child of God, without which it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6 (ESV) 6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards […]

Where Are You? (Knowledge)

by Don Wright

Knowledge is power.  That is what they say in the world of academia.  However, we can say the same thing spiritually.  The knowledge of God’s Word is a great tool in the hands of a Christian. Where are you in your knowledge of God and His Word?  The more you learn from God’s Word, the […]

Where Are You? (Prayer)

by Don Wright

In Genesis chapter three, we read of the entrance of sin into the world.  Eve was deceived by the devil to eat of the forbidden fruit.  She then gave the fruit to Adam, and he ate of it as well (Genesis 3:1-6).  Immediately their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked (ver. […]

Dangers Faced by Christians (Lack of Passion)

by Don Wright

Passion has to do with having intense feelings for or conviction about something.  While we should reject the hysteria of the Pentecostal denominations, we must not lay aside emotions altogether when it comes to following Christ.  Spiritual apathy or indifference is a real and present danger to all of us. If we lose our passion […]

Dangers Faced by Christians (Practical Atheism)

by Don Wright

Christians face many problems that put their souls in peril.  No, I have not become cynical in my thinking, it is just the truth, and the fact is, it has always been the truth.  Christians faced many problems in the first century.  False teachers infiltrated the body of Christ and penetrated the walls of truth […]

Dangers Faced by Christians (Lack of Knowledge)

by Don Wright

Paul once called the Word of God the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17).  It is the greatest defense we have against the assaults of the devil.  The problem is, among the people of God, there have always been those who lack the adequate knowledge necessary to protect them. Hosea 4:6 (NKJV) 6  My people […]

Dangers Faced by Christians (Materialism)

by Don Wright

As Christians, we are surrounded by danger.  We need to be aware of the various tools used by Satan to defeat us.  This week we are looking at some of the things that threaten us as God’s children so that we can avoid becoming spiritual casualties in the ongoing war between God and the devil. […]