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Seeing as God Sees (Greatness)

by Don Wright

How do you view greatness?  How does God view greatness?  The world sees greatness much differently than God does.  It defines greatness in terms of power and possessions.  If you can demand service from others, you have arrived. In our self-serving culture with its “me first” mentality, acting like a servant is not a popular […]

Seeing as God Sees (Our Bodies)

by Don Wright

Most people do not realize the importance of our bodies in the eyes of God.  In several places, Paul emphasizes the significance of our bodies. God sees our bodies as instruments to be used for righteousness.  Paul wrote of this in Romans six. Romans 6:12-14 (ESV) 12  Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal […]

Seeing as God Sees (Marriage)

by Don Wright

Why do so many marriages fail today?  There are many reasons.  Infidelity and money issues are the two leading causes of divorce, statistically speaking.  But there is something that lies behind the outward causes of divorce and that is the view that people generally have of marriage today.  Most people simply do not see marriage […]

Seeing as God Sees (Death)

by Don Wright

God sees death in more than one way and so should we. First, death is the last enemy of God that will be destroyed. 1 Corinthians 15:25-26 (ESV) 25  For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26  The last enemy to be destroyed is death. It was never […]

Seeing as God Sees (Sin)

by Don Wright

In general, man sees sin differently than God, especially in our culture today.  Many today do not even like using the word sin.  Something might be a mistake, mishap, or even a misunderstanding, but not a sin.  Wrongdoing is often excused.  Sin committed is said to be due to extenuating circumstances.  In the end, most […]

The Worthlessness of Worrying

by Don Wright

Worrying is a universal problem.  It seems like everyone worries about something.  The problem is worrying does not accomplish anything, and it is often a demonstration of a lack of faith.  Jesus, in His great Mountain message—The Sermon on the Mount—gives us valid reasons not to worry. Worrying ignores the logic of life (ver. 25). […]

Saving Yourself from This Sinful World

by Don Wright

There are a lot of things in life that we cannot control.  We cannot control what is to come tomorrow, the behavior of other people, or even the simple things of everyday living like traffic, weather, the price of gasoline, etc.  There are some things, however, that we can control.  Generally speaking, the things we […]

Never Be Ashamed of the Gospel

by Don Wright

The gospel is the greatest of all messages, but it is more than just a great message, it is a superior covenant as well.  It involves precious promises, important instructions, and commandments that must be kept, while, at the same time, offering us unmatchable hope.  As Christians, we must never be ashamed of the gospel. […]

Be Strong in the Lord

by Don Wright

Every day we are in a battle.  The devil does not rest.  He does not take days off or go on breaks.  He spends all his time trying to defeat us, and he often has his way with those who are weak in faith.  So, we must do everything we can to be strong.  We […]

How to Deal with Evil

by Don Wright

The presence of evil has been in the world ever since sin was introduced into it.  David once said, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Psalm 51:5).  This is not saying, as some suppose, that David was born a sinner.  In the previous verse, he had […]