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How to Deal with Evil

by Don Wright

The presence of evil has been in the world ever since sin was introduced into it.  David once said, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Psalm 51:5).  This is not saying, as some suppose, that David was born a sinner.  In the previous verse, he had […]

Putting on the Helmet of Salvation

by Don Wright

We should all know that the first place the devil tries to attack when he assaults man is the heart.  I am not talking about the physical heart, but the one the Bible speaks of, that is, the mind.  Satan desperately wants to influence our thoughts.  Paul has the solution to this problem. Ephesians 6:17 […]

Eagerly Accepting God’s Word

by Don Wright

The Bible teaches that the Word of God produces faith (Romans 10:17), but that is dependent on the reception of it by the hearer.  Sadly, the gospel is rejected by more people than not.  That is why the gate to destruction is so wide (Matthew 7:13). While the world has rejected the Word of God, […]

We Must Die in Order to Live

by Don Wright

The title of this blog might sound like a man-made philosophy that involves some type of reincarnation.  The truth is, however, it is a biblical truth that is not referring to physical death and life.  This is how Paul put it. Romans 6:8 (ESV) 8  Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that […]

Accentuate the Positive

by Don Wright

Sometimes good things are highjacked by misinformed people and used incorrectly.  For example, the name “Church of God” is a perfectly scriptural name for a church to wear since the New Testament church was sometimes referred to as such (1 Corinthian 1:2); however, a man-made, denominational church has highjacked the name and so, even though […]

Sinful Dispositions

by Don Wright

The Bible clearly teaches that we will be judged by the life that we live.  We all will have to answer for our actions.  Paul made this abundantly clear. 2 Corinthians 5:10 (ESV) 10  For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for […]

The Faith of Enoch

by Don Wright

We have many great examples of faith in the Bible, but the example of Enoch may not be one of the first that comes to mind.  After all, he occupies very little space on the pages of inspiration.  Still, Enoch is a powerful example of faith, making it onto the great list of godly men […]

Don’t Move!

by Don Wright

If you ever hear the words, “don’t move,” especially if they are shouted, your first reaction would probably be that of alarm.  One might hear those words when he is on the wrong side of a pointed gun, or, perhaps, when you are close to something dangerous (like a poisonous snake) and your only chance […]

The Christian’s Anchor

by Don Wright

The possibility of a child of God drifting away from Him and, therefore, falling from grace, is real.  The Hebrews writer warns us about this danger. Hebrews 2:1 (ESV) 1  Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. While we are all susceptible to drifting, […]

There Is No Substitute for Obedience

by Don Wright

The God we serve is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.  That means that He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere in presence.  A being like that is beyond our ability to completely comprehend, but it does tell us that when He speaks, we better listen, when He commands, we better obey, and when He instructs, we better […]