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Assembling with the Saints (The Privilege of Giving)

by Don Wright

The importance of giving financially to the cause of Christ corresponds to the importance of the cause itself.  Without members of the Lord’s church being willing to give of their means, much of the work of the church would be impossible to complete.  Almost everything comes with a price.  Because of this, God has always […]

Assembling with the Saints (The Lord’s Supper)

by Don Wright

One of the great things that we do when we assemble with the saints on the Lord’s Day is observe the Lord’s Supper.  Our Lord established this as a memorial to help us always keep in mind His sacrifice for us on the cross. Luke 22:19-20 (ESV) 19  And he took bread, and when he […]

Assembling with the Saints (A Profitable Command)

by Don Wright

The epistle of Hebrews was an attempt to stop some of God’s children from leaving the faith.  Primarily because of persecution, some saints were leaving Christ to return to Judaism.  One outward manifestation of this was that they were forsaking the assembling of the saints. Hebrews 10:24-25 (NKJV) 24  And let us consider one another […]

Never Alone

by Don Wright

Joshua had a great task before him.  He was to take the place of Moses and lead the Israelites into the land of promise.  The Lord gave him a great word of encouragement.  He would not have to embark on this journey alone.  God would be with him the whole time, never forsaking him. Joshua […]

The Mercy of God

by Don Wright

God is the originator of mercy.  He gave birth to the concept of being merciful. 2 Corinthians 1:3 (ESV) 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, To show mercy is to demonstrate pity and compassion.  From the time sin was introduced into […]

The Foolish Farmer

by Don Wright

In the twelfth chapter of Luke, Jesus is instructing a large group of people (ver. 1).  Since He was the greatest teacher the world had ever seen, we would expect these people to be hanging on every word that He uttered.  However, there was at least one man who was not paying much attention to […]

Don’t Follow the Multitude

by Don Wright

It is easy to do what everyone is doing.  It takes no courage or conviction to follow the crowd and maybe that is why so many people do it.  Going along with the majority, never challenging the status quo, is a comforting way to live. The life of a Christian, however, is not meant to […]

Who Has Your Ear?

by Don Wright

How many times has a father built a great business only to have his children and grandchildren run it into the ground?  This has happened numerous times.  In the Bible, we see this happening, not with a father’s business, but with the kingdom of God.  David served God as a great king, being a man […]

Living Victoriously

by Don Wright

There are many challenges that we face as Christians.  Our greatest foe, the devil, does not take time out, nor is he in the habit of taking it easy on us.  On the contrary, he is doing everything he can to cause us to fall. 1 Peter 5:8 (ESV) 8  Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your […]

What Kind of Mind Do You Have?

by Don Wright

The kind of mind we have will determine what kind of Christians we are.  The Bible speaks of two “minds” and we all have either one or the other.  Which one we have determines our relationship with God now, and where we will spend eternity later.  Paul refers to these two “minds” in the eighth […]