Worrying is a universal problem.  It seems like everyone worries about something.  The problem is worrying does not accomplish anything, and it is often a demonstration of a lack of faith.  Jesus gives us valid reasons not to worry.

Worrying ignores the logic of life (ver. 25).

Jesus reminds us that if God has provided us with the greater things, it ignores logic to think that He will not provide us with the lesser.  Since God has given us life (the greater thing), He will surely provide us with the food necessary to sustain it.  Furthermore, since God has given us a body, He will provide us with the clothing to cover it.  To conclude otherwise is to defy logic.

Worrying ignores the value of life (ver. 26).

God provides for the birds of the air, and we must not forget that we are more valuable to Him than they are.  In fact, as human beings, we are the crowning point of God’s creation, seeing that we have been created in His image and after His likeness (Genesis 1:26).  Since God takes care of the birds, we should have confidence that He will take care of us too.

Worrying ignores its own limitations (ver. 27).

What can worrying accomplish?  A man who is 5’3” can worry and worry about his shortness of stature, but every morning when he gets out of bed, he will still be 5’3”.  Worrying never has solved any problems.  The only thing it can do is adversely affect the worrier’s health.

Worrying ignores God’s faithfulness (vers. 28-30).

Since God takes care of the lilies of the field, though they do not toil, and He takes care of the grass of the field, though it is only temporary, why would we not believe that He will take care of us too?  Jesus closes ver. 30 by saying “O you of little faith?”  Indeed, our faith is little if we do not believe in the promise of God to provide for us (Psalms 23:1; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Philippians 4:19).

Worrying ignores the love of God (ver. 31-32).

God is our heavenly Father, and one thing fathers do is take care of their children.  Would you ever let your children starve?  I know the answer is no.  None of us would.  Since such is the case with us, why would we think that God would treat us in such a way?  He knows what we need, and He loves us every day.  Thus, He will provide for us as His children.  Do not call into question the love of God.  There is no reason in the world to do so (Romans 8:35-39).

Worrying ignores the present (ver. 34).

We have enough things to think about every new day than to worry about something that may never come to pass tomorrow.  Worrying about the future paralyzes us in the present, and prevents us from accomplishing good right now.

If we do our part by putting God first in our lives (ver. 33), God will take care of the rest.  He is a loving, caring Father, and He will never let us down.  So, don’t worry about it!

As you wind down for the night, think about these things