In golf, when a shot is so far off the mark that spectators are in danger, the golfer yells, “FORE!!!.”   That is what I feel like yelling when I hear some of the remarks on “same-sex marriage” today.

When a couple of professional women basketball players got engaged, an article appeared singing their praises, calling them, “courageous heroes in the fight for human rights and equality.   The article about this couples’ engagement demonstrates how far off those supporting homosexuality and same-sex marriage are from reality.  The one who authored this particular article wrote the following:   

“There is not one person in America that would be affected negatively by these two young talented women being officially recognized as a married couple.”

That statement is way off the mark.  First, the entire country will ultimately be affected negatively by its acceptance of homosexuality.  The truth is, marriage, as God instituted it, (that is, a union between a man and a woman) has always been the foundation of every civilized society.  Redefining what constitutes marriage is treading on God’s territory, and that is always a harmful thing for mankind to do.

Only those who do not know God celebrate sin.  This is what causes more and more people in our society to be way off the mark in their thinking on this issue.  They simply do not view homosexuality as sinful.  This stems from an ignorance of God’s Word, and it is the difference between those of us who stand against homosexuality and those who have a “gay rights” agenda.

Those pushing homosexual relationships do not understand what sin is, what it does, and the final consequences of it; therefore, they cannot understand our fight against it.  They do not realize that our fight against the sinful act of homosexuality is not a fight against people, but for people.  In fact, it is a fight for the very people they think we hate, that is, the homosexuals themselves.  They cannot begin to understand this because they do not understand sin.  Listen to that author one more time.

The more human faces, the more images of human love we see attached to an issue in which talking heads pontificate about faceless, nameless people being denied the right that 90 percent of Americans take for granted, the more we begin to question exactly what it is that the anti-LGBT movement in this country is fighting against.”

Can you not see the crux of the problem here?  Those standing for the rights of LGBT do not even know what we are fighting.  This is why their feelings about us, as well as their words against us, are so far off.

When they say that we are unloving hatemongers whose only purpose is to stop faceless, nameless people from having rights, they are so far off target that someone should cry FORE!!!  Of course, no one will because, unlike the game of golf, the ones taking the shots do not realize how far from the truth they are.  The truth is, what we are fighting against is sin (Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9, etc.), and who we are fighting for are the souls of those who do not understand the sinful nature of this issue. 

Ours is a fight motivated by love, not hate.  We say it all the time—we hate homosexuality, not the homosexual, but those on the other side of the issue cannot comprehend this, no matter how often we say it, because they do not truly know what is at stake.  Their main focus is on people having the right to live any way they want.  In all their speeches and writings, their main emphasis centers around “rights.”

Our agenda is higher.  It is to save souls and promote God’s will.  Our agenda is to teach people, including the young of our society, that believing in Jesus Christ and doing the will of God is best for everyone in any culture, and is the only way that a person will go to heaven when this world ends (John 14:6).

Until those fighting for “gay rights” understand our motives, they will never understand us. Their unjust conclusions about us, and their misguided rhetoric towards us will always run afoul of the truth.  In the meantime, while we continue striving to save souls and standing up for God and His will, our own rights are slowly being taken away from us.