Romans 12:1 (ESV)
1I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

Some Christians do not realize how important our bodies are to God. After we die, we will all be resurrected bodily. Our lowly bodies will be transformed to be like our Lord’s glorious body (Philippians 3:21). Paul said that our bodies will be sown in dishonor and weakness and raised in glory and power (1 Corinthians 15:43). We see, then, that our bodies will be changed from natural, corruptible bodies to spiritual bodies that are incorruptible (1 Corinthians 15:44). Our bodies are important, and we should be careful how we use them (Romans 6:12-13; 1 Corinthians 6:13-14). With this in view, I want to look this week at some practical ways that we can present our bodies to God.

Let us begin by considering our eyes. Our eyes are key members of our bodies. Someone has said that our eyes are a gateway to our minds. This is certainly true. What we look at on a regular basis will shape the way we think and have a major impact on our spirituality. So, how can we give our eyes to God? It begins by determining not to look on things that are sinful. In this world filled with sin, this takes discipline. There are many spiritually dangerous things to look at today. The television often shows things that we should not want to stain our minds. One man compared T.V. today to eating junk food. He wrote the following:

“Junk food is artificially flavored and colored, excessively sweetened and highly addictive. It is harmful to physical and mental health and its consumption interferes with or even deprives one of beneficial, healthful nourishment. Television is an almost precise spiritual equivalent of junk food. The entire content of its programming is unedifying, unnourishing, opposed to sound mental and emotional health and filled with value-training which is diametrically opposed to a sound and healthy society. The lifestyles and ideals it portrays are artificial, corrupt, and undesirable. Moreover, television is highly addictive.”

While I do not agree that the entire content of television is bad, it does contain much evil. Many opinions, that are diametrically opposed to the will of God, have been formed by what is watched on T.V. Social issues of a moral nature are often accepted based on what people see on T.V. One might wonder why so many shows today have a homosexual character, promote pre-marital sex, or view the consumption of alcohol as a legitimate way of passing the time. I know the answer—it is because the powers that be in Hollywood approve of this kind of behavior, and they want to sway the majority of people to approve of it too. So, knowing how much television can shape the thinking of people, they flood the airways with shows that promote their immorality.

Television is not the only danger to our eyes today. People dressing immodestly is also very dangerous. It seems like every year people try to wear less and show more. Dressing half naked has become so common today that most have lost the ability to be embarrassed (Jeremiah 6:15). We cannot help seeing people dressed inappropriately; however, when we see someone dressed immodestly, we do not have to gaze at them. This is what got David into trouble with Bathsheba. When he saw her bathing on the rooftop, instead of turning away, he gazed upon her until lust got the best of him (2 Samuel 11:1-5). He should have given his eyes to God by looking away.

What we fill our minds with is important (Philippians 4:8). Since much of what we think about begins with what we look upon, we should must be careful about what we allow ourselves to see.

As you wind down for the night, think on these things.