Do you want to grow in Christ? Do you expect to be stronger a year from now than you are right now? I hope we all answer those questions with a yes. Too many children of God lack real forward progress in their Christianity, and it is nothing new. The Hebrews writer admonished some of the saints in the first century for still having to be taught what they should have been able to teach others (Hebrews 5:12). They needed to grow in Christ.

One great way to make sure that you are growing in Christ is to have an active prayer life. What a blessing it is to be able to pray. First, the very fact that God is willing to listen to our petitions is astonishing. David once asked the question, “what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalms 8:4). That is a good question. Nevertheless, He is mindful of us, so much so that He, not only wants us to pray, He commands us to pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Second, the price it took for us to have access to God through the avenue of prayer accentuates the blessing of prayer itself. The Bible teaches us that we have confidence to enter the holiest (heaven) by the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 10:19). Now we have a new and living way (ver. 20). Under the Old law, only the high priest could enter into the most holy place within the veil, and he could only do it once a year, and not without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:7). Now every saint can enter boldly into the presence of God because our High Priest shed His own blood for the forgiveness of our sins (Hebrews 9:14). What a price it took for us to be able to go boldly before the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16). Can you not see what a blessing it is to pray? We should all take full advantage of this wonderful blessing that we have every day.

The more we pray, the stronger we become. Through the avenue of prayer, our faith will grow stronger. There is a fundamental connection between prayer and faith. Faith will increase our prayer life, and a strong prayer life increases our faith. Every time God answers our prayers, our faith increases, and we draw closer to Him. If our faith is increasing, we are growing spiritually stronger overall. By a growing faith and an increasing prayer life, we can become better husbands and wives, better parents, better members of the church, and just better and stronger Christians in general. Without a doubt, there is a great profit in praying regularly. Make prayer a part of your every day life, and you will simultaneously grow in Christ.

Prayer is profitable in more ways than one. It helps us retain a relationship with God. Since we all sin, and since sin separates us from God, it is critical to our spiritual wellbeing that every sin we commit is dealt with scripturally. When the former sorcerer, Simon, who had previously obeyed the gospel, fell from grace, Peter told him to repent and pray to God in order to be forgiven (Acts 8:22). John informs us that whenever we sin, the way back to God is to confess (1 John 1:9), which we do, of course, by praying to Him. Prayer, then, is a part of God’s plan of restoration when we fall. This is why we sometimes refer to prayer as being a part of God’s second law of pardon. Furthermore, prayer can help us keep from sinning in the first place. Jesus told his disciples, Peter, James and John, to pray that they enter not into temptation (Matthew 26:41). Next time sin is trying to have its way with you, stop and pray. You will be happy with the results. Now, I know our main thought in this article is growing in Christ through prayer, but that would not be impossible if we allow sin to go unchallenged in our lives. We cannot grow in Christ if we lose fellowship with the Father.

Well, the profits of a powerful prayer life are undeniable. Let me ask you again, do you want to grow in Christ? If you do, prayer is essential. As Paul once said, put on the whole armor of God and then, pray always.

As you wind down for the night, think on these things.