The traditional vows that are taken when one enters the holy estate of matrimony usually involve the vow “till death do us part…”  That is a vow that is founded upon the word of God.  In reference to marriage, Jesus said, “…What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6).  In the previous verse, Jesus quoted Genesis 2:24 where we read of marriage being instituted by God.  Jesus said, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife…”

The word cleave in that passage is “kollao” and means, “to join fast together, to glue or cement…”  The Greek word for glue is “kolla.”  This word points to permanency.  One does not glue or cement something together just to tear it apart later.  Things that are glued or cemented together are meant to stay together forever, and such is the case with those joined together in marriage.

It used to be that most people in society also felt that marriage was forever.  Times have changed.  Now divorce comes often and many times without remorse.  Divorce is no longer viewed as a failure but, instead, it is viewed as a triumphant end to a bad marriage.

There is something else that points to the moral decay of our country.  It is the attitude that many have toward faithfulness within the marriage union.  In the past, society viewed those who were unfaithful to their spouses as being guilty of something immoral.  Now adultery is expected and even encouraged.

Some time ago I came across an article in the Beacon Journal, titled, “Even Hollywood types stand by their spouses.”  In the article, there were a few “Hollywood types” who still believed in being faithful in their marriage relationship, but many in the article expressed no regard for fidelity in marriage at all.  Surprisingly, the article contained several women indicating that they should be tolerant of their husbands when they go astray.

Raquel Welch indicated that there is not anything wrong with a man “breaking away every once in a while.”

Jacqueline Bisset thinks that men should not be held back.  She said, “I’m not saying you have to like all of his behavior, but I believe a degree of acceptance is very important.”  Imagine that!  We are now being told by these Hollywood experts that women ought to accept adultery committed by their husbands.

Michelle Pfeiffer is quoted as saying that “fidelity is possible — anything is possible if you’re stubborn and strong, but it’s not that important.”  

Isn’t that a brilliant conclusion?  When would such an ignorant statement ever be true?  Can you think of a situation where fidelity is not important?  I cannot.  The word fidelity means, “faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances.”  How could any responsible person say that fidelity is not important?

Is fidelity important regarding duties or obligations at work?  Is it important that children show some fidelity to their parents, i.e., should children be taught to be faithful to duties placed upon them by their parents?  Should employers feel any sense of duty when it comes to paying their employees?  Of course, fidelity is important.

Being faithful to one’s duties and obligations is one of the most important characteristics a person can have.  It means that he is trustworthy, and his words mean something. Yes, fidelity is important, and it always has been.  Why would anyone have a different view of fidelity when it comes to a spouse?  After all, if we cannot trust our spouses, who can we trust?

Susan Sarandon shows as much intelligence (or lack of it) as did Pfeiffer.  She says, “If someone is very special to you, is it really that important if every now and then he takes off and has a liaison with someone else?  I mean, is it really catastrophic?”  

Of course, it is!  It is sin, and sin is always catastrophic.  The sin of adultery is particularly catastrophic.  It is, in many cases, such a blow to a loving spouse that it simply cannot be forgotten.  This is why Jesus made adultery the one reason that would give a spouse a scriptural right to divorce an unfaithful mate (Matthew 19:9).  

The kind of attitudes expressed by some of these Hollywood personalities explain what is happening to the moral fabric of our country.  These statements, quoted by some of the most admired people in society (movie stars), reveal much that is wrong with America today.   The home is no longer important to many people.  True commitment is a lost commodity.  The quality of putting someone else (like a loving spouse) before self is no longer deemed as being a good thing.  Sin is encouraged.  The statements of these women give the impression that expecting one to exercise a little self-control is unfair and suppressing.  No wonder this country is in a mess.

The wisdom revealed by some in this article that I read is clearly the wisdom of the world.  Let us make sure that our ideas and thoughts are developed by the wisdom of God, i.e., by what He has revealed in the scriptures.  Adultery is a sin because God said so.  It may become common in an immoral country like ours, but, in the eyes of God, it will always be a sin that is condemned by Him, and that will cause those guilty to spend eternity in a devil’s hell.  To me, that is catastrophic.