“Please yourself” seems to be the mantra that rings through the halls of society today. While doing good for others is applauded, putting ourselves first is the practical thing to do, at least that is what the world says. The shelves of bookstores are full of books on self (self-love, self-care, self-improvement, self-development, self-made, etc.). Predictably, this focus on self leads to selfish-ness, and the conclusion, “I must do what is best for me.”

The problem is most people do not know what is best for them. Sometimes even those of us who are Christians lose sight of this. In an effort to please ourselves, we forget that what is best for us is to please God first. That should be the goal of our lives as we strive to follow in the steps of our Savior.

John 8:29 (ESV)
29 And he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him.”

Jesus never had to worry about His Father forsaking Him because His life consisted of doing what was pleasing to Him; not occasionally, but always. He once said, “My meat is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to finish His work” (John 4:34).

Do you want God to always be with you? Your aim every day should be to please Him. If we make that our consistent goal, it will shape the direction of our lives. No longer will we worry about being popular with people. Doing the right thing in all circumstances of life will come easily because our main concern is doing what we know will make God happy. When you are striving to please God first in your life, you do not have to ask yourself, “should I or should I not?” Instead, the only question is, “Is this something God wants me to do?” It really simplifies things in life.

Do you want to be a more reliable and faithful member of your local church? Aim to always please God and that will take care of itself. You will find yourself being an active member of the church because you know that it will please God. You will avoid doing anything that causes dam-age to the local church. You will not gossip because you know it will not please God. You will not be a troublemaker, complaining about every decision the elders make, because you know that is not what God wants you to do. You will attend every service because that is a part of pleasing God. Putting God first may not impress the world, but it will please God, and pleasing Him is al-ways in our best interest.

Do you want to be a better husband, wife, father, mother, employee, employer, or just a better all-around Christians in every walk of life? All you have to do is make up your mind to always please God, and you will be the best you can be in all areas of life.

Those whose main goal is to be happy by pleasing themselves are never really satisfied. Ironically, if we strive to always please God, it will not only make Him happy, it will bring us the joy and peace for which the world says we should strive. Let us make it our aim in life to please God. That is really what is best for us all

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.