In considering loving God this week, we have emphasized that love involves more than talk.  We must love in deed and truth, not just in word (1 John 3:18).  This does not mean, however, that love cannot be expressed verbally.  The truth is, it is important to tell those we love that we love them, and it is good to convey this to God through the wonderful avenue of prayer.

This blog, however, is about a different way we can demonstrate our love for God… with the fruit of our lips. It is about preaching the gospel to the world.  First, when we preach the gospel, we are keeping a God-given command (Matthew 28:19-20), and remember, obeying God is a part of loving Him.  But, to preach the gospel is to tell others about all that God does for us and what they can have because of the unmatched love of God.  In other words, to spread the good news is to talk about God, and that demonstrates our love for Him.

We talk about things, and people, that we love.  A great biblical example of this is Psalms 119.  The psalmist loved the Word of God.  Read that psalm, and you will find, not only the longest chapter in the Bible, but the Word of God referred to in almost every verse.  The love the psalmist has for God’s Word exudes throughout the chapter, mainly because he speaks of it so often and so glowingly.

How often do you speak about God to others?  The saints at Thessalonica loved God so they could not keep the gospel to themselves.

1 Thessalonians 1:8 (ESV)
8  For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything.

The Word of the Lord sounded forth from these brethren at Thessalonica, but as a result, knowledge of their faith in God went forth everywhere as well.  This implies that God was a major part of their message.  We do not know how they expressed the gospel specifically, but clearly, God was a major part of their message; thus, when others heard their words, they concluded that these brethren had great faith in Him.

Do you love God enough to tell others how wonderful He is?  Another question that must be asked is, do you love your neighbor enough to spread the news about God?  Remember, loving others is a part of loving God.  This is why Christians, like Paul, were so active in proclaiming the good news about God and His Son to the lost.  Paul’s aim, in his own words, was to “save some.”  Paul wanted to save souls because he loved both man and God.

How do you express your love for God?  There are many ways you can do it.  Spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the great love that God has for us all, is one way to do it.  This is a way to show that we truly love God that benefits, not only ourselves, but, more importantly, those who badly need to hear the good news.  In speaking about fulfilling the ministry of reconciliation that he had been given by Christ, Paul said he was compelled by the love of Christ.  That same love should compel us to spread the word of reconciliation as well.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.