We are emphasizing this week the importance of saving souls by spreading the good news. This begs the question, from what are we saving souls? Souls must be in danger if they need saving. Sadly, most people, whose souls are in danger, do not realize it. So, a part of preaching the gospel to the lost is warning them about the danger, that they are facing. It is only when people realize that their present path will lead to destruction, that they will be willing to change course. But it is not just future danger about which we must warn the lost, it is the danger that they are in right now that makes preaching the gospel so urgent.

We must warn the lost of the present danger of sin. Sin leads the sinner to death (James 1:15). While physical death is certainly a consequence of sin (not ours, but Adam and Eve’s), the greater danger is spiritual death, that is, separation from God. Every person who has reached the age of accountability, that is, the time when they have knowledge of good and evil (Deuteronomy 1:39), and has not obeyed the gospel of Christ, is already walking in dangerous territory. When one is in sin, that person is separated from God (Isaiah 59:1-2). To be separated from God is to be separated from all the blessings of being a child of God. It is to be separated from fellowship with God (1 John 1:5-7), prayer (John 9:31), and from God’s providential care (Matthew 6:25-33). That is the danger you are saving a person from if you can persuade them to obey the gospel of Christ. Yes, the sinner needs saving right now.

The greatest danger, however, is that which is ahead of the sinner. If a person dies physically while being spiritually dead, the result is catastrophic. That person will experience the second death, that is, he will be cast into the lake of fire and be lost forever (Revelation 20:11-15). There will be no ceasing to exist. There will only be pain and sorrow where one will experience the full force of God’s wrath forever and ever (Revelation 14:9-11).

Is hell a real place? The Bible says it is, and Jesus believes that it is. Eleven times Jesus referred to hell during His personal ministry on earth. He referred to it as a place prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41), but he indicated regularly that all the lost would be there. He described hell as a place of eternity; a place that would last as long as heaven would last, that is forever. Concerning the lost, Jesus said, “And these will go away into eternal punishment…” (Matthew 25:46). This is the fate of most people who have been born into this world. When we think about this truth, it should move us to action. If we use our imagination, we can hear the cries of those who have died in sin and who are weeping and gnashing their teeth (Luke 13:27-28). We can feel the pain from the heat, that is like the fire of a furnace, burning hotter than we could ever imagine (Matthew 13:49-50), and we can envision what it is like being in outer darkness, where any hope of ever seeing light again is gone forever (Matthew 8:11-12).

Does the thought of so many souls going to such a terrible place move you to want to do some about it? Well, the only thing any of us can do is teach the gospel to those who are unprepared to meet God. We do not know how long the lost have before it is too late for them. Life is brief and can be taken away at any moment (James 4:13-14). Death is no respecter of persons. Young people die just like older people do. Healthy people die just like those who are in great physical shape. It does not matter who you are, you will some day die. The Hebrews writer said, “…it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgement.” Are we warning the lost like we should? The cry from beneath should remind us of our grave responsibility. Souls are at stake.

As you wind down for the night, think on these things.