Most of us remember the story of Gideon liberating the Israelites from the Midianites, with the help of God of course.  Gideon was able to defeat an army of 135,000 with just 300 men.  How were they able to do it?  First, the hand of God was with them, without which such a victory would have been impossible (Judges 7:9, 19).  Second, they had a good plan (Judges 7:16-20).

Gideon divided his men into three groups.  Each group was sent to a different quarter of the Midian camp, but they would have to keep Gideon in their sight, for they were to follow his lead.  When he blew his trumpet, they were to blow theirs.  When he broke his empty pitcher, they were all to break theirs.  And when he set his torch ablaze, they were to set theirs ablaze and all cry out at the same time, “The sword of Lord and of Gideon.”  

This was the plan, and it worked to perfection.  It caused the Midianites to fly into a frightened frenzy and they began to turn their swords on one another and fight against themselves.  Those who were left of them fled, and Israel pursued and conqueror them (Judges 7:21-25).  So then, 135,000 men were defeated by a mere band of 300 led by Gideon, God’s chosen deliverer.

This story reminds us that with God on our side, we can conquer all our enemies and overcome the assaults of Satan.  There is something else it reminds us of as well—when God sets out to deliver us, He usually has a part for us to play.  In the case of Gideon and his small army, if they were to be victorious, they all had to do their part, which the Bible affirms they did.

Judges 7:21 (ESV)
21  Every man stood in his place around the camp, and all the army ran. They cried out and fled.

The church needs members who are willing to stand in their place.

1.  We need husbands who will stand in their place.

Local churches are only as strong as the homes of their members, and homes cannot be strong without men standing in their place.  The man is the bond or band that keeps the home together (The word “husband” is a combination of the words “house” and “band”).  He does that by fulfilling the role that God has placed him in as the head of the house (Ephesians 5:23).

A husband is standing in his place when he takes the spiritual lead in the family, doing his best to guide his family in the ways of God.  He must be faithful to God in all things (1 Corinthians 4:2), love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25), and demand that his family serves God (Joshua 24:15).

2. We need wives who will stand in their place.

Wives who stand in their place are women in the home who make their husband’s job easier by willingly submitting to his authority.  Paul said, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord,”  and in ver. 24 he adds, “in everything.”  Wives stand in their place when they recognized their husband’s final authority in all things, the only exception being if he is demanding something contrary to the Word of God (Acts 5:29).

God’s plan is always best.  Even though the idea of women submitting to men in the home is looked down upon by the world today, it is the best path to follow.  Homes operate smoothly when both husbands and wives stand in their place.

3. We need members who will stand in their place.

Members stand in their place by using their talents in the local church to help it reach its full potential.  Paul said that the body is built up by every part (church member) working properly (Ephesians 4:16).  Members stand in their place by walking worthy of their vocation (Ephesians 4:1), and faithfully attending all the assemblies of the saints (Hebrews 10:25).

We need preachers who stand in their place by preaching only and all of the Word (2 Timothy 4:1-2).  We need elders standing in their place by carefully taking heed to themselves and the flock (Acts 20:28).  If we are to be successful as a local church, we all must determine to stand in our place.  If we do, no obstacle will be too great for us to defeat.