It is a great blessing to be a part of a local church that is organized the way God intended it to be, having elders, deacons, and saints (Philippians 1:1).  Local churches that do not have qualified elders can never be what God wants them to be.  That is not to say that they cannot please God, and even do great work in this world, but they can never be complete.

Local churches in the New Testament that had qualified men, had a plurality of elders (Acts 14:23; 15:4; 20:17, etc.).  That was the will of God then, and it continues to be so today.

Peter tells us that the elders are to exercise oversight.  This is because it is their job to rule the flock (Hebrews 13:7).  The word “rule” (hēgeomai) means “to lead, i.e., command” (Strong’s Greek & Hebrew Dictionary), and speaks to the authority that elders in the local church have.  They do not have legislative authority, that is, they cannot make their own laws apart from the scriptures.  They do, however, have delegated authority to enforce the rules and regulations of God’s Word.

What is the obligation of the flock?  The Hebrews writer tells us.  

Hebrews 13:17 (ESV)
17  Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

Our responsibility toward the elders is clear—we must obey and submit to them.  The word “submit” means to yield, give way to, or surrender.  Are you willing to do this when it comes to the elders who are overseeing the local church of which you are a member?  The local church works best when the will of God is being followed.  The fact is, when you submit to the elders, you are submitting to God at the same time because He is the one who instructs you to do so.

Elders are extremely important to the local church, and we should never take them for granted.  If you attend a local church with qualified elders who are doing their job in overseeing the flock, you should thank God because it is a blessing.  The question is, are you a blessing to the men who serve as elders in your local church?

When you willingly submit to the elders, you are helping them to do their job with joy.  When you are continually cantankerous, unwilling to submit to them because they do not always make decisions that you like, not only are you acting sinfully, but also, you are doing something that is not advantageous to you or the local church.  Your rebellious attitude and actions are of no value to anyone.

Let us all appreciate the elders who watch over our souls.  Their job is not easy.  Commend them when you can and submit to them in all things, as long as their instructions are in harmony with the Word of God.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.