Godly fear is one of the most important characteristics that we can have.  Without it, we will live according to our own will and displease our Maker. With it, we will please God by living a life that is according to His will and, in the end, be blessed.

Psalm 115:13 (ESV)
13  He will bless those who fear the LORD, both the small and the great.

What does it mean to fear God?  It does not mean to shake and quake at the very thought of Him.  It simply means to be reverent.  The one who fears God gives Him the respect He deserves.  When one realizes Who God is (Creator of all things, Sustainer of the universe, almighty in power, and all-knowing in knowledge), he will obey Him.

When God tested Abraham by commanding him to offer Isaac as a burnt offering, Abraham did not hesitate (Genesis 22:1-12).  The angel of the Lord responded by saying, “Now I know that you fear God.”

When God told Noah to build an ark because He was going to destroy the world by flood, Noah did exactly what God told him to do.  The Hebrews writer said that Noah, “moved with fear.”

In Acts 10 we learn that the prayers of the good man, Cornelius, ascended to God as a memorial (Acts 10:4).  Why?  In part, because he feared God with all his house.

Godly fear will always cause one to do what is right in the sight of God, but it is not just mere obedience that it produces.  Godly fear causes one to obey Him gladly.

Psalm 112:1 (ESV)
1   Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments!

The reverent man rejoices because God has communicated with him through His Word.  Whether the revelation comes in the form of exhortation, admonition, or command, matters little to the one who fears Him.  He delights in it because he loves the Word of God.  Ungodly men sometimes obey God by chance, but only those who fear the Lord rejoice in His commandments.

Do you fear God as you should?  Godly fear is not something you can fake.  If you fear God, you will obey Him, and you will do so gladly.  This is a true demonstration of wisdom and understanding which, by the way, comes from fearing God.

Psalm 111:10 (ESV)
10  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!

If you fear the Lord, it will lead you to make good decisions and use good judgment in life because being wise is the first fruit of fearing God.  The word “beginning” often refers to a point in time in scripture, but it also refers to that which is chief in importance.  Both are true when it comes to godly fear and wisdom.  Wisdom is one of the first signs of having a holy reverence for God.  Let us show to all who examine our lives what it really means to fear God.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.