When someone denies the necessity of baptism, I often point out that it is baptism that puts one into Christ.  Paul wrote:

“For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27).

Since baptism is the final step of God’s plan that puts one into Christ, those who have not been baptized are outside of Christ.  Why is it important to be in Christ?  Let me give you some reasons why.

  • In Christ, One Has Jesus in His Life (Ephesians 2:12)

In reminding the Gentiles of the time when they were outside of Christ, Paul told them that they were without Christ at that time.  Since Christ is the Savior, to be without Him is to be lost.  Sadly, there are many people today without a Savior, not because there is not one available, but because they will not accept Him into their lives.  Jesus wants nothing more than for sinful men to turn away from their sins and accept Him into their lives.  He tasted death for every man (Hebrews 2:9).  Sadly, most people in the world will die outside of Christ without a Savior to bring them back to God.

  • In Christ, There Is Hope (Ephesians 2:12)

Is there anything worse than being in a state of hopelessness?  That was the condition of the Gentiles before they came to Christ, and that is the condition of most people today.  I am not speaking of hope for physical things, but rather the hope of salvation.  Outside of Christ, there is no hope of salvation.  All the good works in the world cannot save a person.  Good intentions will not do it.  The only hope a person has of being saved is to have his sins removed, and the only one who can remove sin is God.  Thankfully, God has made it possible for all to have the hope of salvation by setting forth a plan of redemption accessible to all.  Jesus died on the cross so that all may have the hope of eternal life.

While being without hope is miserable and depressing, having hope is edifying and encouraging.  It is wonderful going to bed at night knowing that we have fellowship with God and that if we die, we have a far better condition waiting for us.  To have this hope, though, one must follow God’s plan.  That plan involves obeying the gospel of Christ, including repenting and being baptized (Acts 2:38).  When one obeys the gospel, he enters Christ, the place where all spiritual blessings are to be found (Ephesians 1:3; Galatians 3:27).

  • In Christ, There Is a Relationship with God (Ephesians 2:12)

To have a relationship with God means to have access to all the blessings that He provides to those in fellowship with Him.  To have God in our lives means that He watches over us with His providential care, providing for us the necessities of life (Matthew 6:225-33).  The stipulation is that we seek first the kingdom of God, but as long as we do that, we can expect God to care for us.  God is the Provider for all those who are in Christ.  Can you think of a better provider?  This new relationship with God, found in Christ, assumes that we have been reconciled with God (Ephesians 2:16).  Why is it that not everyone has a relationship with God?  It is because of the sin that separates man from God (Isaiah 59:1-2).  Only in Christ are those sins forgiven and friendship with God restored.  I would rather be a friend of God’s than face His wrath in the life to come.  The Hebrews writer said that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31).  I believe him.

  • In Christ, We Have Access to God (Ephesians 2:18)

To have access to God might imply several things, but the thing that comes to my mind first is prayer.  In Christ, we have a praying relationship with God.  No one outside of Christ has this privilege.  I am glad that I can approach God’s throne in times of need (Hebrew 4:16).  I am glad that I can call on God to help me in times of temptation (Matthew 26:41).  I am glad that I can ask God to help provide for me my daily bread (Matthew 6:11).  These are all things that are only attainable in Christ.

These are only a few of the blessings we experience in Christ.  If you are a Christian, thank God you are in the right place.  If you are not, do something about it soon.